The Right Toilet

I don’t know about you, but I like comfort for the special moments of the day. That brings me to Toilets. There is a lot to consider when purchasing a toilet. Some people just go out and look at the price tag and zap… Others spend endless hours looking at designs and colors and with the number of choices, then take hours to decide on what toilet to eventually purchase.

To me, there is a lot to consider when purchasing a toilet. My friend just renovated her bathroom and purchased toilets that her husband who is very short recommended. He actually tested many of the toilets and finally made his decision. The toilets were installed and on the first use my friend realized that she was sitting on the floor and getting up was going to be very hard. Another friend bought a low profile toilet that was beautiful. On my first flush, I watched the graceful boil of water circle and circle as my deposit struggled to leave the bowl. After several attempts and growing anxiety that it might never go away, it disappeared. You might want to choose a power flush that with incredible intensity gets rid of anything in a single bound.

There are some that are oblong and others that are round and not all circles are created equal. You want to make sure the one you purchase fits your butt and allows for the male parts to have their proper setting. There are cases when the bathroom is so small that only a tiny toilet will fit.

Have you ever reach under to clean only to dip your hand into the water. You have to think about how the water sits in the bowl and how high it will be. This requires that you were awake during geometry classes and that you can figure out the dimensions of your toilet.

Another friend just replaced his toilet. I was amazed at home much I liked his toilet. It was a bit higher than most and had a pretty large opening to accommodate my body type. The flush was perfect, strong and cleansing. Getting off the seat was easy.

And remember a good toilet seat is worth its weight in gold. Don’t buy cheap plastic ones. A toilet seat is like a fine piece of furniture. Make a good investment. My friend bought a heated glow in the dark seat…

I guess the point here is that there is a lot to think about when buying a toilet. With an average use of 2 to 3 times per day, it is worth getting the best toilet for your needs. Design or Function, you decide.